Hypr Is Going Interchain with Hyperlane

Hypr Network is collaborating with Hyperlane to bridge to a universe of chains

March 20, 2024

We’re excited to announce that Hypr Network is collaborating with Hyperlane to bring permissionless interoperability and bridging to the ecosystem. This integration with Hyperlane is a critical piece of infrastructure as we gear up for our next stage of growth - onboarding new users and liquidity, and growing sticky TVL on Hypr Network. 

What is Hyperlane?

Hyperlane is the first universal and permissionless interoperability layer built to connect the modular ecosystem. With Hyperlane, anyone can connect any blockchain, rollup, appchain, on any VM. In addition, Hyperlane utilizes a modular security stack, allowing developers to customize their security with various plug-and-play security modules.

The permissionless scaling of Hyperlane’s network enables Hypr to access even more chains and onboard more users.

The challenge now is to grow apps on Hypr that will attract assets to be moved over to participate in DeFi campaigns on Hypr Network. For that, the Hypr team is planning several high yield campaigns. More on this soon.

To learn more, visit https://www.hyperlane.xyz/.